A CLEAN AIR Force of Central Texas Initiative...
One Vision. One Goal. Clean Air For All.
diverse group of leaders from the business, environmental and health
communities have teamed up to form one innovative solution to Ozone Pollution
- The Clean Air Partners Program. The program's
purpose is to enlist the help of businesses and their employees in their
effort to keep our city livable, healthy and prosperous.
The Clean Air Partners Program offers a flexible and workable menu of
options for area businesses that will help to keep our air
while also helping to keep regulations on our lifestyle and business
managed at the local level. Learn More About The

The CLEAN AIR Force Of Central Texas
The mission of the CLEAN AIR Force of Central Texas is to (1) be a liaison among all stakeholders, (2) coordinate the air quality planning of the private sector, (3) provide a forum for public discussion, (4) educate the public on air quality issues, and (5) manage air quality improvement programs in Central Texas focused on motivating the citizens, businesses and governments of this region to take actions to reduce air pollution to protect public health and the health of our economy.