Clean Air Partners: Partner
Program Resources
Welcome, Partners! Take advantage of these program resources to help you develop, implement, organize, manage and improve your internal clean air programs. For additional resources, that may not be listed, contact the Program Manager.
Outreach Materials
• Clean Air Partners Program Logos – for other formats, contact the Program Manager
- JPEG File
- Ozone Action Day Reminder Sign (Word) – reminder sign to post before and on Ozone Days
- OZAD Employee Stickers (pdf) – stickers for action-taking employees to wear on Ozone Days
- Ozone and Health Information (Word) – information on ozone and its impacts on health
- AircheckTX Presentation (pdf) – State of Texas’ Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance program
- AircheckTX Brochure (pdf) – information on vehicle emissions testing through State inspections
- COA’s Do Something! Brochure (pdf) – City of Austin’s public outreach brochure on air quality
- Moving 45 People (Word) – a graphic comparing moving 45 people in various commute modes
- Buy Green, Drive Clean Brochure (pdf) – Austin Energy’s brochure on cleaner driving options
Employer Program Assistance Tools
CAPP-Specific Tools
- CAPP PowerPoint Presentation – a CAPP basics presentation can be requested from the Program Manager
- CAPP Partners– printable current Partner Membership list
- CAPP Employee Commute Survey (pdf) – a sample survey for employees to complete that directly correlates to the data required for annual CAPP reporting
- Converting Survey Data for Annual CAPP Reporting (pdf) – converting the employee survey result data to the data required for annual CAPP reporting
Additional Employer Resource Files and Documents
- Alternative Work Schedules Presentation (ppt) – pros/cons, assistance and info on alternative work schedules for employees
- Commute Solutions and Let’s Ride Program Presentation (ppt) – info on the Commute Solutions Coalition of Central Texas, commute solutions benefits, and their Let’s Ride training for employer commute solutions programs
- Carpool Incentive Programs (pdf) – an EPA-developed employer resource on incentive programs for employer carpool programs
- Heavy-Duty Vehicle Idling Brochure (pdf) – info on the locally-enforced restrictions for heavy-duty vehicle idling
- COA Teleworking Program Guidance City of Austin’s Telework program guidance
- Managing Teleworkers (Word)
- Supervising Teleworkers (Word)
- Selection Guide for Teleworkers (Word) Employee Commute Survey Samples Sample employee commute surveys from various organizations
- Employee Commute Survey Samples (pdf) - Sample employee commute surveys from various organizations
- Best Workplaces for Commuters Sample Survey (pdf)
- Lafayette, CA City Employee Commute Survey (pdf)
- MA Government Employee Commute Survey (Word)
- CAPP-TCEQ Compiled Employee Commute Survey 3/05 (Word)
- Restricted Idling Signs (Word) – COA-developed these signs for employers to purchase and post to restrict vehicle idling
- Telework and Office Sharing Stats (Word) - a list of US teleworking and office sharing statistics provided by the Canadian Telework Association
Capital Metropolitan
Transportation Authority (Cap Metro) 512-389-7400
• 512-474-1200 (route info)
Capital Metro, the Austin area transit authority, provides the following services:
- Assistance with employer commuter services, such as information fairs, ride-matching services and marketing materials
- Transit information and passes
- Vanpool program assistance
- Guaranteed Ride Home benefit to transit/vanpool users
Employer Resource Links
- AirCheckTexas – the state vehicle emissions inspection and maintenance program via the DPS website
- Association of Commuter Transportation (ACT) – ACT supports individual mobility management professionals and organizational members in their efforts to reduce traffic congestion, conserve energy, and improve air quality. Membership in ACT provides you with resources and support to enhance your experience and effectiveness as a transportation demand management (TDM) professional. From networking and educational events through professional development and government relations, ACT members improve their ability to advance the effectiveness of our transportation system.
- Best Workplaces for Commuters - a great resource for employers starting commuter programs. BWC is a similar program to the CAPP, but is national with large employers and higher minimum emission reduction requirements
The Employer Resources Page contains a variety of tools and information helpful in employee commute programs.
The Employer Toolkit Page contains a long list of tools and examples to help in development, implementation and promotion of new programs within the workplace
- Blue Skyways Collaborative – a partnership of public, environmental non-profit, private industry and government organizations/groups encouraging voluntary air emission reductions in North America’s heartland. Blue Skyway plans/implements projects using innovations in diesel engines, alternative fuels and renewable energy technologies
- City of Austin’s Air Quality Program – COA’s AQ Program site offers a wide range of education, outreach, and resource materials on local air quality and related information
- COA AQ Publications – publications by the City’s AQ Program available to local employers
- Commute Solutions of Central Texas – a coalition of local organizations promoting and educating the benefits of using alternative commute strategies to decrease congestion and improve air quality. CS provides:
- MyCommuteSolutions.com – a free employer/employee online ridematching tool for Central Texas commuting employees
- County of Santa Barbara - the county's telecommuting policy and management guidelines
- Drive Clean Across Texas Campaign – the nation's first statewide public outreach and education campaign designed to raise awareness and change attitudes about air pollution with a goal to inspire changes in driving behavior that will help clean up the air in Texas
- Energy Star @ Work - bring your green to work with Energy Star – a new online tool by the EPA providing workplace energy saving tips for employers and their employees
- EPA’s Green Vehicle Guide – a guide by EPA on the cleanest and most fuel-efficient vehicles to meet your needs
- e-work - mastering the evolving workplace.
- IRS Employer’s Tax Guide to Fringe Benefits (Pub 15-B 2010) – refer to the Transportation Commuting Benefits section of this page for IRS employer tax benefits information with regard to employee commuting
- Movability Austin - Resources to get to and around downtown
- Ozone Alert Notifications – to receive email notification of Ozone Alert Days, send a request via email to the CLEAN AIR Force or sign up at www.cleanairforce.org. If you are the Employee Transportation Coordinator or the CAPP contact for your employer, please sign up and distribute these alerts to your employees or members
- State Energy and Conservation Office of Texas (SECO) - SECO helps Texas make the most of domestic energy, reduce state and local government energy costs and promote cost-effective clean energy technologies. SECO's mission is to maximize energy efficiency while protecting the environment
- SECO Employer Energy Savings Information – tax credits, savings tips/providers, etc.
SECO Useful Energy Links and Resources
- The Telework Exchange – a public-private partnership demonstrating the value of teleworking and serving the emerging educational and communication requirements of the Federal teleworker community while facilitating communication among Federal teleworkers, telework managers, and IT professionals
- Telecommute Connecticut – a great resource with a plan to outline a proposal to implement a program and more
- Thrival School's Trip Reduction Strategies for Businesses
- Transportation to Work, A Toolkit for the Business Community - a toolkit provided by the Community Transportation Association & Federal Transit Administration
EPA's Carbon Footprint Calculator - use the calculator to get an estimate of your personal or family’s greenhouse gas emissions and explore the impact of taking various actions to reduce your emissions
Telework.gov - the federal government's teleworking website with policies and procedures, trainings, tools and resources
The Telework Coalition - provides links to other organizations with strong teleworking programs, training programs, and resources for implementing a program
- Telework Benchmarking Study - a study by the Telework Coalition of 13 organizations with strong teleworking programs (both private and public sector), implementing a pilot program, technology and equipment needed, trainings and best practices
Undress4Success - provides sample policies and procedures for teleworking and a proposal to management